Nigeria's Deceptively Large External Debt Could Threaten Its Economy

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Nigeria's Deceptively Large External Debt Could Threaten Its Economy

2024-01-15 02:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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As Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari announces his new Cabinet, his post-election pronouncements have made it clear that a core priority of his new government will be to boost the Nigerian economy. Unfortunately, the President’s proposals during his campaign and since have amounted to little more than tinkering at the edges.  The reality is that the country needs needed fundamental and far-reaching reforms in order to address deep-seated structural problems with the country’s economy. The story of Nigeria’s coming economic crisis has not yet gained global attention, but attention must be paid to it.

President Buhari’s policy missteps stem first and foremost from a mistaken diagnosis of the problem, and there does not appear to be any political acceptance in Abuja of the degree of severity. The data highlighting the structural weaknesses of the Nigerian economy are depressingly familiar – despite decades of attempts to diversify, Nigeria remains dependent on oil for 90% of its export earnings, which owes partly to the fact that almost two-thirds of the economy remains in the informal sector. The large informal sector also causes the country’s tax to be remarkably small--tax revenue last year was less than ten percent of GDP.  What’s more, economic growth has remained sluggish despite a rapidly growing population.

The country’s Central Bank recognizes the country’s economic morass and has taken steps to boost domestic lending, but its financial institutions are wary of increasing their loan portfolios --a history of non-performing loans serves as a cautionary tale. Instead, banks are increasingly buying Nigerian bonds instead, which starves domestic businesses of capital. Another problem is that having a plethora of Nigerian banks holding substantial portions of Nigerian sovereign debt represents a systemic risk, especially given the increasing debt distress in the country. The Central Bank has now begun to restrict the purchases of these securities by banks, a sensible move that should be accelerated further.

Nigeria’s biggest economic problem, though – and the issue that requires real political acceptance from Buhari’s new government – is the country’s growing public debt. Since assuming office in 2015 President Buhari’s governments have added considerably to the nation’s debt, which now exceeds $85 billion. In essence, the nation’s debt is about where it was in 2005-06, just before Nigeria benefited from massive debt relief as part of a program coordinated by the Paris Club, IMF, World Bank and the African Development Bank. To have squandered the debt reduction in just fourteen years and have no tangible economic progress to show for it is beyond disappointing. 

Paris-based sovereign debt expert Andrew Roche has pointed out that while the country's debt as a proportion to GDP is a reasonable twenty percent, debt servicing costs make up fully two-thirds of retained government revenue, a startlingly high figure and a datum its government goes some lengths to de-emphasize.

Without an honest and frank government acceptance of the situation, Nigeria’s chances of escaping its self-inflicted debt trap are vanishingly small.

Another problem facing the country is that while most developing countries take advantage of concessionary financing from the World Bank or other international institutions, Nigeria’s debt profile is now increasingly made up of commercial debt. Its recent Eurobond issuances in London, for example, came at a relatively high yield, which makes its economy especially vulnerable to external shocks, such as a sustained drop in oil prices.

Compounding Nigeria’s debt problem is its Nigeria’s significant contingent liabilities. Recent arbitration awards have exposed the government to billions of dollars of liability – most prominently a case involving a private contractor, Process & Industrial Developments (P&ID), whose gas processing project collapsed after the Nigerian government failed to carry out its contractual commitments. The P&ID tribunal award alone represents over $9 billion, and it owes another company another $2.3 billion over a failed hydro-power project.

There is some evidence that Nigeria’s high debt servicing costs, along with concerns over the rule of law, is causing investors to become concerned with investments in Nigerian debt.

Last week the African Development Bank expressed concerns that the Buhari administration is seeking to change the rules for the feed-in-tariff for 14 major solar projects, spooking investors. Given that fully half of its people lack access to electricity, Nigeria simply cannot afford to jeopardize future investments in power infrastructure.  

It is a mystery why these contingent liabilities and the concomitant decline in investor confidence and divestment in the country’s most critical sector are not taken more seriously in Abuja. 

It is also worth asking why these developments have not caused the ratings agencies to reconsider their assessments for Nigeria, which still maintains consistent B ratings despite economic indicators crying out for a reassessment. For instance, one recent report for investors stated that Nigeria has "low external debt and debt service levels,” which doesn’t comport with the data. 

If Nigeria does not get its financial house in order it will undoubtedly face some sort of fiscal crisis in the next few years. In the long run the Buhari Government must make a concerted effort to diversify the country’s economy away from oil as well as take steps to widen and increase the revenue base, and it should look to settle its major contingent liabilities sooner rather than later. 

The country could also use help from the IMF to implement fiscal reform and give it the political cover to make changes that may inflict some political pain in the short run but are necessary for it to grow and achieve some sort of long-term budget solvency. Without quick action, the country may be one recession away from a sovereign debt crisis.




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